Smart Streetlights Solution ②

NB IoT vs LoRa in Smart Lighting Application: Star Network
NB IoT :
• Communication : Each streetlight must apply a NB IoT account No. (high cost)
• Disadvantage : line of sight with longer communication distance but could be blocked or interference by tree or high buildings. Not suitable for streetlight application
• Coverage : need to do site survey and measure the signal coverage, this will increase manpower cost
LoRa :
• LoRa Gateway with 4G communicate with many LoRa devices(low cost)
• line of sight with longer communication distance but could be blocked or interference by tree or high buildings,LoRa is designed for low power consumption and few communication per day. It’s not suitable for frequently communication such as streetlight controller or air pollution sensor etc.
Not suitable for streetlight application
• need to do site survey and measure the signal coverage , this will increase manpower cost

Star、Tree and Mesh Network Topology
- GIT NET (IEEE802.15.4), 2.4 GHz frequency band
- Communication : Gateway with 4G control up to 200 streetlights(lower cost)
- Disadvantage : line of sight with short communication(200 meters) but this is far enough for streetlight application (The adjacent streetlight is 50 meters at most),
- Coverage : Streetlight stand along the road and no obstacles such as high buildings, mesh topology will not affect by trees. Plug and Play, no need to do site survey,suitable for Streetlight application
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